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EuroBSDCon is the international annual technical conference held in a different European country each year. It focuses on gathering users and developers working on and with 4.4BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) based operating systems family and related projects.

This yearly conference gives the exceptional opportunity to learn about the latest news from the BSD world, witness contemporary deployment case studies, and meet personally other users and companies using BSD oriented technologies. EuroBSDCon is also a boiler plate for ideas, discussions and information exchange, which often turn into programming projects.

The conference has always attracted active programmers, administrators, and researchers, as well as IT companies, which find the conference to be a convenient, inclusive, and quality professional development option for staff. We firmly believe that education is vital to the future of technology, and hence greatly welcome students and young people to this annual event!

Short History of EuroBSDCon

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EuroBSDCon has a Code of Conduct. All conference attendees are expected to comply with this policy. Mind you, it’s pretty much common sense, courtesy, and plain old good behaviour. Such conduct is expected within our community.